Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Zynga works 'social magic' with new games, Project Z

We have all heard of Facebook's games such as Farmville, and Mafia Wars.  We have all taken a peek at what they were about, and we have all received requests from fellow Facebook friends who want us to help with their "farm", or give them money or weapons in Mafia Wars.  Well, for those of us Facebook users who are obsessed with these games, or even for those of us who are closet Facebook gamers and pretend not to know anything about them, you will all be happy to hear that Zynga, the company that makes these games is coming out with new games for Facebook users.

The first game introduced is a completely new game called Hidden Chronicles, which is a puzzle game where you "search for objects hidden in graphics, either in competition or partnership with your friends."  I know this will be a new addiction for many Facebook gamers.  I do not really play and this game already sounds intriguing.  There will also be several updates on old favorites such as Mafia Wars 2 where players will have more advanced features, and a twist on Zynga Poker, with Zynga Casino.  There will also be a new "Ville" game released that also sounds like it is going to be very popular with frequent Facebook game players.  This one is called CastleVille.  For those who are familiar with the very popular FarmVille and CityVille, this is very similar to those where you can play with friends, but according to this article the game is very story oriented where players are more involved with the non-player characters.  Execs describe this game as a  "true manifestation of Zynga's social magic."

 As I stated before, I am not gamer on Facebook, not because I do not like them, but because I do not really have time.  However, I definitely understand the appeal these games would have.  Just like games such as Second Life, these games allow the user to enter a different world where they can become someone or something else.  From hearing about friends and family who play very often, this games are very addicting, fun, but addicting.  I have no personal or vested interest with the release of these games, but I am sure that many people will be excited.  These games are another way to keep in contact and interact with friends so there are many positive social aspects, but my personal opinion remains indifferent. I am not interested with the games but I am interested in people's reaction to this news.  I have no doubt that this will generate a lot of buzz within the Facebook community. I think games like this are fascinating, and the reasons people play them are even more fascinating. When you think about it Facebook is not just a social media site where you can see or talk to your friends but also play with them as well.  There are so many different ways to interact with people through new media, and these games are continuing those possibilities.

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